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Who we are, What we Believe and Why we Believe it.

Who we are, What we Believe and Why we Believe it.
Who we are, What we Believe and Why we Believe it.
At South Coast Christian, we believe that creating environments (christian disciplines or codes) are a way in which we can live a life that reaches and empowers not only us, but also the lives of others
THE Holy Scriptures are divinely inspired and represent God's design and plan for mankind, and His authoritative rule for faith and conduct.
THERE is only one true God, creator of heaven and earth, revealed in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (the Holy Trinity)
GOD'S son, Jesus Christ, was both human and divine. The Scriptures declare His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, substitution and sacrifice on the cross, bodily resurrection, from the dead, and exaltation to the right hand of God.
MAN willingly fell into sin, ushering in both evil and death, the latter both spiritual and physical.
EVERY person can be restored to fellowship with God through faith and God's grace by establishing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and by repentance of sins.
ANY person can be born again by accepting and declaring Christ as savior and repenting of sins. The outward expression and acknowledgement of this change is water baptism.
HOLY communion is a symbol of our remembrance of Christ's suffering on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins.
AFTER salvation, baptism in the Holy Spirit empowers believers through the various gifts of the Spirit for witnessing and Christian service.
GOD continues to work miracles today in the lives of believers and unbelievers alike, including miraculous healings, in response to faithful and intercessory prayer.
THE church (body of believers) is called to fulfill God's work and seek and save those who are lost in sin. It exists as a corporate body to worship God and to assist believers in strengthening their faith.
THE church is served through divinely called and spiritual ordained leadership ministry.
THOSE who reject Christ will be judged for their sin and condemned to eternal punishment and separation from God. Those whose sins are forgiven through acceptance of Christ and His atoning death will have eternal life in renewed relationship with God.